Rashtriya Boudhik Sampada Mahotsav" is being celebrated at CSIR-CDRI Lucknow to promote Intellectual Property Rights Awareness.


Bureau chief R L Pandey

Lucknow, July 2023: As part of the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (AKAM) celebrations, the DSIR/CSIR drawing collaborations with Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), O/o Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks (CGPDTM), NRDC and Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Right Authority (PPVFRA), has proposed to celebrate this AKAM campaign as “Rashtriya Boudhik Sampada Mahotsav (RBSM)” (National Intellectual Property Festival) from 1st-31st July, 2023 focused at Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) aligned to the thematic objectives of ATMANIRBHARTA. 
This initiative aims to raise awareness about various types of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and encourage the registration of patents, Geographical Indications (GI), trademarks, copyrights, and other forms of intellectual property protection.
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) coordinator at CSIR-CDRI, Dr. Sripathi R. Kulkarni briefed the genesis of this Rashtriya Boudhik Sampada Mahotsav and informed that this campaign is a focused and time-bound initiative and is designed to create a targeted approach in increasing the registration of intellectual property rights. CSIR recognizes the significance of intellectual property in fostering innovation, protecting the rights of inventors, and promoting economic growth. Throughout the month of July, CSIR-CDRI, is organizing a series of events, seminars, workshops, and awareness campaigns to educate researchers, inventors, entrepreneurs, and the public about the importance of safeguarding their intellectual property. These activities will aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of various IPR types and their role in facilitating research and development, promoting entrepreneurship, and enhancing competitiveness in the global market. 
In continuation with this, CSIR Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI) in Lucknow organized a workshop cum training program today by an IPR expert under the aegis of the "Rashtriya Boudhik Sampada Mahotsav". 
Director, CSIR-CDRI, Dr. Radha Rangarajan, graciously presided over the event and extended a warm welcome to esteemed guest speaker, Dr. Indra Dwivedy, Former Chief Scientist & Group Leader–Patents CSIR-IPU, New Delhi. Further she expressed her enthusiasm for the Rashtriya Boudhik Sampada Mahotsav, stating, the celebration of this festival demonstrates our commitment to nurturing a culture of innovation and protecting intellectual creations. By increasing awareness about intellectual property rights, we aim to empower individuals and organizations to protect their inventions, creations, and unique traditional knowledge. The program, which took place at the CDRI Auditorium, witnessed an overwhelming response with nearly 200 attendees. 
Guest speaker, Dr. Indra Dwivedy, a renowned expert in the field of intellectual property, shed light on the pivotal role played by IPR in fostering innovation and protecting valuable information. During her insightful address, she delved into various patent-related laws and elucidated the process of filing a patent application in India. She further mentioned, by promoting a culture of innovation, fostering collaboration, and enhancing the understanding of IPR, we can collectively contribute to India's growth as a knowledge-based economy. The attendees were enlightened about the benefits and rewards that come with patenting one's inventions.
About CSIR Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI): CSIR Central Drug Research Institute is a premier biomedical research institute under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Government of India. It is engaged in cutting-edge research in drug discovery and development, pharmaceutical sciences, and other allied areas. The institute is committed to excellence in research, innovation, and the promotion of intellectual property rights.
Today's program was concluded with thre vote of thanks by Dr. Sanjeev Yadav.