Recent Approaches for Production & Value Addition of Millets (Shree Anna)        in   Changing Climate Scenario”. 


One- Day National Seminar on “Recent Approaches for Production & Value Addition of Millets (Shree Anna)        in         Changing Climate Scenario”. organized by U.P. Council of Agricultural Research (UPCAR), Lucknow and Department of Agriculture, IIAST, Integral University, Lucknow

, Lucknow. A one-day national seminar on “Recent approaches for production and value addition of millets (Shree Anna) in changing climate scenario” was organized by U.P. Council of Agricultural Research (UPCAR), Lucknow and Department of Agriculture, IIAST, Integral University, Lucknow on September 29th, 2023 at the Central Auditorium of Integral University. The event commenced with a warm and formal welcome extended by Prof. Mohammad Haris Siddiqui, Director of IIAST and Registrar of Integral University. Following this, Prof. Javed Musarrat, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Integral University, delivered opening remarks, setting the tone for the event. Dr. Sanjay Singh, Director General of U.P. Council of Agricultural Research, then took the stage to deliver the inaugural address, sharing his valuable insights with the audience. The event also featured an address by Prof. S.W. Akhtar, Hon’ble Chancellor of Integral University. Subsequently,

the distinguished guests were felicitated and the stage was graced by the Guest of Honour, Dr. Ram Kathin Singh, former director research, ANDUA&T. Dr. Piyush Kumar Sharma, Secretary, UPCAR also delivered remarks as Guest of Honour. Mr. P. S. Ojha, State Advisor, FPO (Farmer Producer Organization) Cell, Department of Agriculture, Government of Uttar Pradesh, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest.

Shree Ojha’s speech was filled with profound wisdom and valuable perspectives on the FPOs in Uttar Pradesh, leaving the audience both informed and inspired. After inauguration of the souvenir, various FPO, KVKs, departments and colleges were felicitated by all the dignitaries

. Finally, Dr. Ashok Kumar Singh, Vice Chancellor ,RLBCAU, Jhansi, concluded the proceedings with his chairman's remarks, making this event a memorable gathering of academic luminaries and leaders. Following this, Prof. Saba Siddiqui, the Head of the Department of Agriculture, IIAST extended a heartfelt vote of thanks to all the dignitaries, participants, and attendees for their presence and contributions to the event. Prof. Siddiqui's words of gratitude added a warm and appreciative note to the proceedings, concluding the event on a positive and harmonious tone. 

There were three technical sessions in the seminar. In the first technical session of the seminar, the focus was on “Overview and Scope of Millets in India and Uttar Pradesh”. In the second technical session of the seminar, the spotlight was on “Integrated Crop Management Practices in Millets for Enhancing Productivity”. In the third technical session of the seminar, the central theme revolved around the pivotal role of “Millets for nutritional security, value addition and profitability”.

Furthermore, the event featured an extensive poster presentation encompassing a wide array of themes related to millets, complemented by a millet exhibition. This exhibition served as a platform for Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) and Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) to showcase their contributions, with a total of 16 stalls on display.