SSA, SHEF organize early morning yoga session on International Yoga Day as part of their 5 day residential camp

 Bureau chief R L Pandey

Lucknow: To celebrate International Yoga Day, Study Hall Education Foundation’s Aarohini program in collaboration with the Sarva Shiksha Vibhaag of Uttar Pradesh organized a yoga session as a part of their 5-day residential camp for gender justice and equality in Sehbhagi Shikshan Kendra.

The session had active participation of children and teachers, who engaged in a wide array of yoga asanas and pranayama exercises. The teachers also gave detailed explanations regarding

the significance and benefits of each asana.
The camp is specifically catering to children coming from 43 upper primary government schools located in the Laharpur block of Sitapur. The primary objective of this camp is to educate and empower young boys, encouraging them to become Champions of Gender Justice and act as advocates for issues regarding gender.

Priyanka Saxena, program manager, Aarohini, expressed her enthusiasm, stating that this
unique camp can provide a remarkable platform for boys to transform through yoga, active
discussions and activities.