‘ Power of Choice’ about breast reconstruction ,Awareness programme about breast reconstruction after breast cancer surgery


Bureau chief R L Pandey

Lucknow। In a concerted effort to raise awareness and foster support for breast reconstruction, Tata Memorial Hospital in collaboration with Sanjay Gandhi Post graduate Institute & Kalyan Singh Super Speciality Institute,Lucknow organised an awareness programme about breast reconstruction after breast cancer surgery on 18th November 2023. This is the first program of its kind in North India. This transformative initiative aims to educate the public about the physical and emotional significance of breast reconstruction following mastectomy, providing a platform for shared experiences and empowerment. 

The Chief guest was Honourable Deputy Chief Minister Shri Brijesh Pathak the guest of honour Mrs Mahalaxmi Subramani regional head of Army wives welfare Association. Our special guests were Mrs Mahima Chaudhary actress,breast cancer survivor   Social activists and Mrs Chavvi Mittal breast cancer survivor, actress and social medial influencer.
The program was graced by Dr RK Dhiman Director SGPGI, Dr Vinay Kant Shankhdhar , Prof and Head Plastic and Reconstructive surgery, Tata Memorial Hospital, 
Dr Pankaj Chaturvedi, Prof and Deputy Director  
Centre of Cancer Epidemiology, Dr Bhagwat Mathur founding member BRASA, Dr Pradip Goil, President BRASA & Ex HOD Plastica nd Reconstructive Surgery SMS Jaipur, Dr Ankur Bhatnagar, Secretary BRASA Prof Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery SGPGI

The attendees were treated to an enlightening sessions featuring the movie ‘ Power of Choice’ about breast reconstruction, inspiring personal stories from breast cancer survivors who underwent reconstruction. Esteemed medical professionals and advocates engaged participants with informative discussions, dispelling myths and providing valuable resources for those navigating the complexities of breast reconstruction.
The program's success was evident in the vibrant exchange of ideas and experiences among participants. From addressing the emotional aspects of the journey to providing practical insights into the latest advancements in reconstruction techniques, the event left an indelible mark on all who attended.

The organising chairman Dr Vinay Kant Shankhdhar  said ‘We believe that by fostering awareness and understanding of breast reconstruction, we can empower individuals to make informed decisions about their post-mastectomy journeys. This program is not just an event; it is a celebration of resilience, a platform for shared stories, and a beacon of hope for those navigating the path to recovery.n this occasion.  
The awareness programme was telecast to multiple AWWA centres all across the country. The programme was a part of BRASCON 2023 which is the 10th International conference of  Breast Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons Association( BRASA).

The organisers hope that through awareness no woman will ever be scared to approach a doctor with a suspicion of breast cancer because of the fear that she may feel deformed and that every woman will have confidence to face the difficult journey of breast cancer and come out of it like a champion.

The organization remains committed to continuing its efforts to support and empower individuals affected by breast cancer.