Knowing ABCDEF  of heart disease is vital :  Dr Abhishek Shukla Cardiologist AJANTA HOSPITAL 

Knowing ABCDEF  of heart disease is vital :  Dr Abhishek Shukla Cardiologist AJANTA HOSPITAL 
Uttar Pradesh desk Lucknow ( R L Pandey ) : On the occasion of National Lipid Day, a health workshop was organised by AJANTA HOSPITAL on Friday. The health awareness progamme was inaugurated by Dr Anil Khanna, Managing Director, Ajanta Hospital and Dr Abhishek Shukla cardiologist by lightening of the lamp. 
Dr Abhishek Shukla addressed a distinguished gathering and explained the important of ABCDEF of heart diseases in human body. 
A age 
B blood pressure
C cholestrol 
D diabetes
E environment 
F family history.
He mentioned medicines cannot increase the good cholesterol but definitely it can decrease bad cholesterol. He further added that proper healthy diet, active lifestyle and stressfree environment can help in  maintaining good cholesterol level.
Dr Shukla pointed that earlier lipid tests were conducted at 40 years of age, now even youth at the  age of 25 are advised for lipid profile test as cases of early heart attacks.
KS Abbott, CGM, Ajanta Hospital requested the audience to share the valuable information with their near and dear ones for their health benefits