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State Level Seminar and Prize Distribution Ceremony of Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal, Awadh Prant was organized at Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University.

State Level Seminar and Prize Distribution Ceremony of Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal, Awadh Prant was organized at Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University.
Lucknow desk (R L Pandey).A State Level Seminar and Prize Distribution Ceremony was organized on 25th October under the joint aegis of the School of Home Science, BBAU and Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal, Awadh Prant at Atal Bihari Bajpai Auditorium of Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University.

Honorable B.R. Shankaranand ji , Akhil Bhartiya Sangathan Mantri of Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal, was present as the chief guest in the program. Apart from this, Prof. A.K. Verma, Member of Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission and Shri Sunil Sharma, Akhil Bhartiya Sanyukt Mahamantri of Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal were present as Guests of honour. Prof. Kamal Jaiswal, Adyaksh, Awadh Prant, Dr. Dharmendra Pathak, Prant Mantri,  Prof. U.V. Kiran, Prant Shodh Pramukh and Dean of the School of Home Science and Dr. Rachna Gangwar, Prant Yuva Aayam Pramukh were present in the organizing team. The program started with lighting of the lamp and offering floral tributes to the statue of Babasaheb. After this, the session started with the Dhyay Mantra and Dhyay Vakya of Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal. The anchoring was done by Dr. Neha.

 While paying tribute to Babasaheb and addressing everyone, Honorable B.R. Shankaranand ji said that to do any work, it is necessary to have penance and for penance it is necessary that we should have devotion towards that work. Similarly, in nation building, we will have to work unitedly with devotion and tenacity, only then we can achieve the goal of developed India. We have to rise above casteism, high-low and other divisive ill-wills and ideas. At the same time, by uniting and making continuous efforts, we will have to boldly make India the best at the ideological and intellectual level, only then we will be able to establish India as a world leader at the global level. Discussing the memoirs of Swami Vivekananda and throwing light on the role of youth, he said that the youth is the future of the country, hence it is expected of you that before doing every work in your life, you must think that through me, In which direction will each work done take the society and by how much will affect the society for a long time. We have to move towards sustainable development through continuous efforts and on a creative and positive path. 

 While discussing in the context of 'Vision for Viksit Bharat' research paper writing competition organized by Bharatiya Shikshan Board, Respected Shri Sunil Sharma said that research is very important not only from the point of view of study but also from the point of view of society. Each of our research should have the vision of what we as researchers are contributing to the development of the country. Also, the focus point of our research should be India.

Prof. N.M.P. Verma , Vice Chancellor of BBAU informed the guests, scholars and students about the contribution of Indian educational institutions in the development of India and said that we need oriented education because it keeps changing. We need to make our brain active and creative and depend less on AI. AI is diminishing our intellectual abilities. He congratulated the award winners and participants and thanked the guests and organizers.

While expressing his views, Prof. A. K. Verma ji said that this is the time for innovations. Therefore, we have to evaluate our research work and work hard. We have to think about what should be the direction of research and innovation? What is our research offering to this nation and how will it help in national development and protection of national values? We must always remember that life is an echo, we get what we do. What we are today depends on what we did yesterday and what we will become tomorrow depends on what we are doing today.

 At the end of the program, the results of 'Vision for Viksit Bharat' Research Paper Writing Competition' were announced and the selected participants at National Level were honored with awards and certificates. Also, the participants selected at the national level will get the opportunity to present their research paper in the competition to be organized at Shri Guru Gobind Singh Trishatabdi University, Gurgaon, Haryana from 15th - 17th November.At the end of the program, a vote of thanks was proposed by Shri Rajesh Singh, Sehmantri of Awadh Prant. During the program, about 500 researchers, university teachers, staff members and students from the entire Awadh Prant were present in the auditorium.