Study Hall Prep Kids Kick Off Voting Awareness Campaign! : Prep Class 5 year old  children  learn About Democracy Firsthand!

Study Hall Prep Kids Kick Off Voting Awareness Campaign! : Prep Class 5 year old  children  learn About Democracy Firsthand!

Lucknow: (Bureau chief R L Pandey )  In a charming initiative to spark early interest in the democratic process, the Prep class launched a "Voting Awareness Campaign"  by reaching out to the community around the school. Importance of voting and that every voice matters was conveyed through small sentences and handmade placards.

They also conveyed that by voting we say that we care for the country. It is also  a way to make their voices heard. Mr. R. K. Pandit former Director General of Police UP graciously facilitated and guided in the voting awareness campaign by our dear Preppies. 

Under the guidance of their teachers  the children participated in a mock voting for choosing their favorite game, story or class monitor. In this way they were taught the importance and how every vote matters. "Even though they are young, it's never too early to instill the values of participation and the importance of having a say," Their participation made the event visually engaging and fun.

This initiative not only teaches children about the basics of democracy but also underlines the importance of being an informed and active citizen from an early age. The event said every vote counts and be a superhero by voting to make your country Supercool. This campaign fostered a sense of pride and accomplishment in the children. This event also showed that it's never too early to learn about and participate in the processes that shapes our country and society.