Two professors of Lucknow University received research grant under CSIR - ASPIRE scheme.


Uttar Pradesh desk Lucknow ( R L Pandey ).Results of ASPIRE Inter/Trans Disciplinary Science scheme by Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi were announced today. CSIR-ASPIRE scheme funds inter/ trans disciplinary research projects to females. Out of a total of only 37 successful applications across the country, two female faculty of University of Lucknow, Dr. Shashi Pandey, Dept of Chemistry and Dr  Roli Verma, Dept of Physics have been awarded these grants.

Nisha panday csir

Dr. Shashi Pandey an assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry, University of Lucknow was awarded a Rs. 22.5 lakhs research grant under the  The project is on the development of new anticancer agents which will act simultaneously on  two targets and therefore will work more efficiently on cancer disease. Dr. Shashi Pandey is very hopeful that some of proposed molecules will demonstrate excellent activity against defined targets, which could be a lead molecule for the development of successful drug candidates. These drug molecule will overcome the problem of development of resistance by single drugs as well as complexity of combination therapy which will ultimately strongly meet the highly unmet medical needs for treating cancer patients especially with brain metastasis.

Dr. Roli Verma is an assistant professor in the Department of Physics, University of Lucknow was awarded a Rs. 14.5 lakhs research grant with one SRF position under the ASPIRE scheme by Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi. The project is on the development of colorimetric sensor for the detection of E- waste especially lead ions in water resources. It will give new window to protection and cure from hazardous water borne diseases. Dr. ROLI VERMA is very hopeful that proposed design will lead very economical and lable free E-waste sensor with which one can see the water contamination through naked eyes. The progress of this project will ultimately strongly meet the challenges of detection of E-waste for environmental clean drinking water. It will help to reduce expenses of providing safe drinking water in urban and rural areas and ultimately reduce medical expenses of common people.

Prof. Alok Kumar Rai, Vice Chancellor, University of Lucknow congratulated both of them on this achievement.

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